
Thursday, October 13, 2016

Grand Finale

Our final night loving on the refugees we decided to have a celebration night. A time to celebrate their young life, shower them with love, play games, do a craft, teach them the story of Love. The Love that will last forever.

They came and they had a wonderful time. Our hopes were that the 90 minutes spent with the team would be 90 minutes of them not thinking about their shattered world. A world where they don't have the comforts of home, many times do not have food, and no hope for the future.

Our Hope was realized. They had a blast. It was hard to say our good byes, but we hope their dreams that night were about their "celebration" and not their reality.

These children have seen things and experienced things that no child should have to ever endure. Endure they do though.

We made sure they did not leave without knowing that there is a God who loves them, sees them and will always be near. Thank God....

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