
Friday, April 11, 2014

Beauty and Confusion

A Country of Beauty and Confusion

We have spent the last two days in Israel before we cross the border tomorrow into Jordan.

There are many beautiful things about this country. The people, the food, the landscape and, of course, the places where Jesus walked and taught. The Garden of Gethsemane is very somber while beautiful at the same time. The garden itself is beautifully landscaped and still has the olive trees that were there when Jesus went to pray to his Father the night before he was crucified. That is where it is not so beautiful. Yet, had this historical event not happened, we would not have what we hold so close to our heart today, our faith!

As we strolled through the Garden, we could hear the call to prayer from the mosque just across from the place where Jesus called to prayer to His Father, God. Confusion with the beauty…

On Fridays, there is no meat served in our hotel as it is a Catholic hotel. There are no shops open in the Arab Quarter because it is a holy holiday, and Passover week for the Jewish people! Wow, a lot to try to figure out.. Glad that we have the Freedom from the law because of the Veil that was torn many years ago!

Watch as the next couple of days a blood moon will be rising low in the horizon. It should be spectacular and should point to the fact that the same person who put the moon in the sky, also heard His son in the Garden, crying out the night before He died. The same One who raised Him from the grave on the third day.

Beauty and Confusion…..

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