
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

In One Day...

These are just a sample of the stories that we are hearing in just one day.

9 year old girl saw 5 of her classmates killed by a bomb while at school. In running home, she saw another plane over her house. Fearing the death of her mother, she ran as fast as she could run screaming and crying. Arrived at her home to find out that her mother had gone out to the store to buy something and was safe.

Now she suffers from daily night terrors and flashbacks..

26 year old man refused to join the Syrian forces and fled. He was captured and tortured and his family was killed. He fled to Jordan where he cannot get a job because it is illegal for Syrians to work in Jordan. What can he do?

Young mother comes in stoic with her 13 year old son. When asked how we can help her, she breaks. She breaks into uncontrollable sobs while her 13 year old son’s eyes fill with tears. They cannot find her husband, his father when they had to flee the war.

12-year old boy has an obvious tremor with odd eye movements. A handsome, polite boy who wants to be a doctor. Favorite subject is Science, when he went to school.  He clearly has PTSD from bombing in his neighborhood. Fled to Jordan, now what?

3 year old boy cried hysterically when he dropped his sucker and it broke. I thought who knows what this little one has experienced and went and scooped him up in my arms. I was determined to find him another sucker as he was uncontrollable. He clung to my neck while I went into the clinic. Who had one? My dear husband. I did not care that he was seeing other patients, I needed to get this little boy the one thing I knew would make him happy, if only for a short time. I sat down and rocked him while he sucked on his sucker and clung to my neck…

All in one day, a life changing one at that.

When you think you have it rough, reread these stories and then multiply them by 1 million. That is the plight of the poor people who fled a war torn country.

1 comment:

  1. I am reading this and it brings tears to my eyes: 1. That these little children are suffering along with their families, but 2. You all are there to love on them continually! My prayers continue to be with all of you! Love and Blessings, Sandy
