The clinic was very busy today. I kept the children full of suckers and stickers as best I could between patients.
The patients are lovely people. They are most grateful for the least amount of service and contrast with some of our previous experiences. The are loving people and loved to be prayed over.
Yesterday a lady with sever Herpes Zoster neuropathy, (shingles) a painful condition, came in for help. I explained to her that it may last months to a lifetime and provided her with a small supply of analgesics. I then prayed with her. I learned this morning that she called her daughter, who then call a friend, who was the wife of the person talking to me. She much appreciated the prayer more than anything else. She returned today for more prayer!! Isn't interesting a fascinating how one small act spread so far and quickly.
I saw another lady today, who had multiple complaints. I finally asked her what was really upsetting her. She is from Syria and feels that no one loves her in Jordan. I explained the WE loved her and Jesus loves her. She left somewhat happier. Although much less so than in Palestine, social, political pressures are a major issue here as well.
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