John just called. He commented on how plans are constantly changing. Three days was a long time to get there he said. Half of the team is there with the other half making it tomorrow. They went to the hospital in Hinche. Quite a dismal, crowded place. The hospital shuts down at 5:00 with patients left in the care of their families, or no one at all.
Some of the bins that were packed have not been located. They contain medical supplies and food. We have faith that they will be found and delivered to the team.
All are in good spirits and ready to start a fresh day tomorrow!
We witness how beautiful the flowers in the field are and how carefully they are tended, so will His people be taken care of. We are not to worry, but trust....
I am thankful you are all out there reading this! I do not feel so alone knowing that,
Never alone, Christine!! He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. He is with your precious husband and the teams that are there to be God's hands and feet. He is with you as you wait at home on your knees. He is with the people of Haiti. May HE surround you all with His grace and peace. God WILL prevail.