
Saturday, April 14, 2018

Confiscation or Blessings?

Hi all,

We have arrived safely but not without drama. Part of the team went through Rome and were taken to a room and questioned. As a result, 8 of their bags were "kept" and would be sent "later!" This means that a number of the supplies were in those bags and some of peoples clothes. 

Needless to say, a rocky start for the team. We sent out notes to our prayer warriors and they were on it! The next evening, 7 of the bags were at the hotel, 1 still being kept, until further notice. It was evident that customs went through the 7 bags and took supplies.

We will not know the scope of loss until we reach our destination. We have some and will trust that the rest will be "provided" or even not needed. After all, we live in the land of the "loaves and fishes". If you don't know that story google it and you will love it!

The weather here is hot, we are already very tired and yet, excited to start the work we came to do. Our team came as strangers to each other and are quickly bonding as a team. It is always amazing to see how the group begins to meld together well after such a short period of time. We all have One focus, do what we were called to do! Show unconditional love to those who have not seen that before. Tell them that there is more to life and hope for, yes, even them. No, especially them I will say...

If there is one thing we know for certain, God takes what is meant for harm and turns it into something very beautiful for "such a time as this"...that my friends will be the Blessing from the Confiscation. We cannot wait to see it!

Thank YOU for caring about us and them. Continue to pray, mediate, send positive thoughts for the people who we are ready to love!

Thursday, April 5, 2018


Hello there!

I find this one of the most fun parts actually. Strange I know. The reason is because I never know what uses I will have for all the supplies I bring for the Children. But, it never fails that whatever I bring, they need or have fun playing with it.

I pray over the supplies that God would touch each heart of each child that touches them. Imagine how excited they get when they see these things. The best part is sitting with them, hopefully some on my lap, and do the craft, color the picture, paint their sweet faces, and even jump rope! All the while, I am whispering prayers on their behalf that one day they would know there is more to life than what they are experiencing. That they would know that there is One who sees them, no matter where they are, how lost they feel, or how hopeless they feel. He is there and has a greater plan for them. 

Thank you for your interest in these people and our time spent with them. 

May the God of all things bless you and keep you,

Monday, April 2, 2018


Hi there,

It has been a couple of years since I used this so it is good to be "home". We are preparing to go love on some people who do not feel very lovable for various reasons. But we have some "good news" to share with them. They are loved! Not just by us but by Someone much more important. We have a great story to tell them that we pray will give them peace and hope for the future.

Stay tuned for more...we are in the packing stages now. It is always fun to see that no matter what we put in our bags, though it may not make sense here, it is completely logical and magical how it will be used there...

Thank you for caring for them as well. I know you do or you would not be reading this. I imagine you have already figured out that I am not a Blog Extraordinaire! 

Feel free to follow us, or even comment. Not sure how all that works but I trust you can figure it out:) You are smarter than you think...

God bless you and keep you..........